Book of Benefactors

Browse Collection

22 of 73

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Jared Leigh the younger, of Doctors Commons in the ...

Latin Text:

JARED LEIGH Jun r . de (DOCTORS COMMONS) in Civitate LONDON. Effigiem Salvatoris nostri JESU CHRISTI defuncti, Hannibalis Carrache arte graphica feliciter Expressam, insigne celeberrimi Pictoris Ingenii, su


Jared Leigh the younger, of Doctors Commons in the City of London, wanted to have a painting of the dead Jesus Christ, our Saviour, masterfully and beautifully depicted by Annibale Caracci, that outstanding painter of genius, placed among the treasures of rare note as a token of his goodwill towards us.

Related Objects:AN1836 p.177.60

Location:The present location of this object is unknown.

Year:MDCCLVII (1757);  Page Number:24 (recto)

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