Book of Benefactors

Browse Collection

30 of 73

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John Yeomans, citizen of Bristol and ...

Latin Text:

IOHANNES YEOMANS Civis et Navarchus Bristolliensis in partibus Americ


John Yeomans, citizen of Bristol and ship's captain, trading in north-western America, bought a boat peculiar to these parts commonly known as a canoe, which carries a single oarsman dressed up in rough clothing, is equipped with paddles and a harpoon, and is guided by a tutelary god. He decided to anchor it in this most beautiful of places.

Location:Not listed in the 1836 catalogue or the 1886 transfer of material to the Pitt Rivers Museum. The present location of this object is unknown.

Year:MDCLXXXIV (1684);  Page Number: 9 (recto)

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