Book of Benefactors

Browse Collection

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Robert Huntington was Professor of Theology, ...

Latin Text:

ROBERTUS HUNTINGTON S.T. Professor, Collegior? Mertonensis hic Oxonii Socius, ac SS. et Individu


Robert Huntington was Professor of Theology, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, in Ireland. Once a chaplain to the English traders in Aleppo, he left for Egypt and obtained, at great expense and effort, two moderately large stone reliefs with hieroglyphic characters and pictures, and with as much enthusiasm to rival his friend Goodyear, gave them to this Museum.

Related Objects:AN1685B.721, AN1685B.722

Location:On display in gallery 23 (Dynastic Egypt and Nubia), On display in gallery 8 (Ark to Ashmolean)

Year:MDCLXXXIII (1683);  Page Number: 6 (recto)

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