Book of Benefactors

Browse Collection

64 of 73

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Thomas Palmer of Fairfield in Somerset ...

Latin Text:

THOMAS PALMER de Fairfield in Agro Somerset Arm: Vir doctrin


Thomas Palmer of Fairfield in Somerset, a learned man and renowned throughout the county for his virtue, sent to this Museum a picture of an old man (possibly St. Cuthbert) set in a gold and crystal frame. Palmer, military commander in the same district, bequeathed this most ancient object, once a possession of King Alfred, to the University of Oxford. -

The Alfred Jewel, to which this entry refers, was presented to the Museum by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer; his son, Thomas Palmer, merely transmitted it to the Museum (although it had been intended for the Bodleian Library).

Related Objects:AN1836 p.135.371

Location:On display in gallery 41 (England 400-1600)

Year:MDCCXVIII (1718);  Page Number:21 (recto)

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