Paintings Collection
Browse Collection (1571 objects found)
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Wilson, Richard 1713 - 1782 |
Wilson, Richard 1713 - 1782 |
Wilson, Richard 1713 - 1782 |
Wilson, Richard 1713 - 1782 |
Wilson, Richard 1713 - 1782 |
Wit, Jacob de 1695 - 1754 |
Wootton, John c.1681 - 1764 |
Worlidge, Thomas 1700 - 1766 |
Worlidge, Thomas 1700 - 1766 |
Worlidge, Thomas 1700 - 1766 |
Wright of Derby, Joseph , copy after 1734 - 1797 |
Wright of Derby, Joseph 1734 - 1797 |
Wtewael, Joachim Antonisz. 1566 - 1638 |
Wyck, Thomas ?1616 - 1677 |
Yeats, Jack Butler 1871 - 1957 |